Why Phoenix?
Phoenix and me.
I have always loved the mythical story of the Phoenix. A bird that lives for up to 500 years, who’s tears can heal. A bird with beautiful plumage, who is only ever the only one of its time. When it is getting ready to regenerate, it prepares its nest & bursts into flames, inviting a new phoenix to rise from the ashes.
What has that got to do with Phoenix Wellbeing and everything we offer ?
Imagery really helps me understand things. For me the phoenix represents autonomy, and brightness, something I believe we all have given the right conditions. Its tears heal, just as ours do, although we often don’t realise. Tears can be the words we cant say but need to let go of. And the regeneration – we all reach points in our lives where we need to take special care of ourselves, ‘prepare our nest’ and start all over again. And there isn’t an end … we learn, we maybe lose some feathers and energy but in time we will find what we need to regenerate and become something new or different.
Life isn’t one straight line, it has ups and down, at times it turns us completely upside down and inside out, sometimes it is boring and mundane. Change is the only constant, yet this is something which many struggle to understand and manage.
Louise Savage
(Founder & Director)
Hi, I'm Louise. Over the last 25 plus years I have worked with children, young people and families through Education, Local Authority, Health and the Voluntary sector. I am a Qualified and Registered Therapeutic Counsellor, Mindfulness Teacher and Social Worker.
My passion lies in supporting children, young people and families to understand their own mental health and wellbeing in order that they can develop skills to see them throughout life, no matter what the challenge.
I set up Phoenix Wellbeing after seeing so many families struggling and not being able to access services until they reached crisis point. I decided to develop an approach that demystifies mental health and invites people to gain the knowledge and understanding of themselves & their stress responses in order that they can take control and manage their own wellbeing.
I'm so grateful for the opportunity to work with you all as we look to build calm confident communities across the globe.

Phoenix Values
Our values are the golden threads that run throughout all of our work
Connection is vital for us to survive in the world. First and foremost our work invites people to connect with themselves, with others and with the world around them.
Compassion is about understanding that everyone has challenges in life. At Phoenix everyone is met with compassion and work always starts from where a person is at and not where they might be expected to be
Creating compassionate connections develops communities. Through our work we hope to bring people together so that no one ever feels alone in their struggles